I am NOT a 4.0 Student

I won’t pretend that I am a straight A student.  No, I am not because I felt that having somewhat of a life was more important to me.


I study very hard and I have gotten mostly A’s in nursing school, but I also have a couple of B’s or B+’s mixed in there as well and I am not ashamed.  My GPA is plenty strong enough if I ever decided to go to graduate school.  Don’t get me wrong, your GPA does matter in nursing school.  If you are in nursing school I would strongly recommend trying to keep your GPA above a 3.0 or better.  My GPA is over 3.5 and I haven’t had to completely give up my life to do that.  I guess my point of this rambling is – don’t be the student that is willing to ride the minimum grade required to move on in nursing school (most programs require you to pass at somewhere between 73%-75% average on your exams).

Some new graduate jobs at hospitals want to look at your transcripts and that is one of the places where keeping up with the workload will actually matter after you are an RN.  Another place where grades matter is at grad school.  Maybe you don’t intend to go to grad school any time soon (I don’t, maybe someday after I have a family and I have more time on my hands).  But regardless, just don’t slack!

Okay, lastly, you can get through nursing school.  A “B+” is not failing, it took me a while to get that.   Anxious?  Take a deep breath.  One more.  Gooooood.  We’ll talk more later and I’ll share a few of my thoughts on success.  Have a cup of coffee and hit the grind… it will be okay!

Have Some Coffee

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